Road planning

If you build or rebuild an exit from a public road on your own plot of land, a project is required under which the license for the construction is issued. Construction of an exit without the permission may result in being considered lawless which involves not only the severe financial penalty, but often the need of dismantling. We offer to project the road exit and transfer it to the arrangements in the relevant Offices in order to obtain a building permit/notification of works.

The road engineering projects we offer:
  traffic organization plan (including the constant trafic organization and temporary traffic arrangements during construction),
    design of the internal roads, parking lots, manoeuvre areas, lay-bys,
    design of the road exits (municipal, district, provincial, national),
    bills of quantities and investment cost estimates.

We have the engineering knowledge and many years of experience in the preparation of road sector projects. Our engineers have a building license without restrictions in the road specialty and belong to the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers.
